Mike Mongo's popular web presence and weblog... GET READY. GET STEADY. GO!... How To Rockstar: April 2005

30 April 2005

Rockstar! Jon Santos' Epcot Deathstar

Rockstar artist, DJ, and music-maker Jon Santos has been doing seminal work in electronic print and music culture for over fifteen years. He came out of the late-'80's/early-90's Detroit music scene which spawned such mainstays as Derrick May, Juan Atkins, Richie Hawtin, Eminem, and DJ Godfather, and now works with closely with such music artists as Matmos and Mike Martinez, Kit Clayton, Blectum from Blechdom, and Kid 606. As the founder of common space, Santos transplanted his SF-based design studio to New York City several years ago, and has continued making notable contributions to the 21st Century culture he so patently embodies.

Case in point. For Serindip, a silent art auction which took place this past Monday, April 25th at NYC's White Box, Santos debuted this mind-blowing piece.

Not only is the image of a Death Star-under-construction as Epcot Center-style tourist attraction highly amusing, the idea is shockingly stirring: A gross future being constructed before the very eyes of a unconcerned and negligible populus. What makes this piece especially poignant is that the public is so us, a banal bunch of fanny pack-sporting, popsicle-eating, sarong-wearing, child-on-leash-having, picture-taking vationers, all having a lovely day at the Death Star. (The fine attention to detail is breath-taking.)

We have met the enemy, and it is $84.19 for a premium day pass, includes sequels and technology to export war to other worlds.

804k image lo-res link. 4.8 meg hi-res link.

29 April 2005

How To...Have Sex With Giant Arachnids

But is it love?

These breath-taking images–of an enormous tarantula performing cunnilingus on an attractive orgasmic woman, and of a handsome man and a giant black scorpion making love (see link)–are, believe it or not part of a French AIDES awareness campaign.

The message appears to be, since even giant spiders and scorpions can have AIDS, have safe sex–including with other species. Or, when having sex with the hairless primates use a condom because though they are sexy and attractive (as far as mammals go) they might have AIDS.

Link (via Fleshbot). Thanks, rockstar Marty Kahnle!

How To...Hunt For Bigfoots

At first glance, a science page. But primates in Arkansas?

Second glance, oh, it's a bigfoot site. But what's this warning to hoaxers?

Third glance, Bigfoot Researchers Against Gun Control And Pranksters (B.R.A.G.C.A.P.) vigilante death threat to kidders in bigfoot costumes who don't take the field of bigfoot research serious enough.

Is it just us, or is the US getting weirder?


Rockstar! 8-Bit' "I-deez"


"Robots don't got no drivers license…so we gotta get fake ideez!"

And with that chorus line kicks off the most dope robot-themed plunk rock video of the year, 8-bit's "I-deez." Directed by Kid Robot and his brother Stoney, 8-bit is three boys and one girl, in metallic minimalist Robbie Robot costume suits, bemoaning the obvious: That robots today got it tough but don't front or else they bop you with their laser guns!

"I-deez" may well be a 21st Century milestone, the first robot driven gangster-math rock jam ever.

Whatever funky is going on anywhere on the planet ain't no better than the gangster robot bleep-bleep antics of 8-bit, no doubt the steeepidest plunk rock robo-bootyists in the world today.

Link (via Robot Kid).

28 April 2005

How To...Best Use A Digital Camera

Beautiful Agony is a site speaks for itself: We have digital cameras for one reason only.


27 April 2005

Rockstar! DJ Danger Mouse's The Grey Video

DJ Danger Mouse's Grey Album is a pivotal moment in the advent of the 21st Century, and is highly regarded as such. It is the validation of the mash-up. Danger Mouse has now risen to work with the top names of the hottest musical artists on the planet, and been given carte blanche to work his magic touch.

What has been greatly over-looked is the Grey Video, dropping on and off the radar due to complications resulting from legal hassles. However, here it is, DJ Danger Mouse's Grey Video, in full glory, featuring John Lennon, breakdancer, and Ringo Starr as The DJ.

Link (via waxy).

Rockstar Jon Santos says:
"The thing is, Outkast stole the show with that concept on "Hey Ya".

Link (via iFilm).

26 April 2005

Rockstar! Hilight Tribe

In a way, the video and and song "Free Tibet" by France's groove-architect's Hiliight Tribe inspired the creation of H2RS. A video such as this is a reminder of what is best in all of us.


25 April 2005

Rockstar! Micronauts

The Micronauts movie is definitely coming.

Loosely-based on the slick new line of Micronaut toys from Jerry Macaluso's SOTA toys the franchise is undergoing a complete transformation. Gone are the clunky and kitsch Mego figurines from the '70's. What are now considered Micronauts have a look and cutting-edge style all their own, titled "Evolution."

But what makes news of the Micronauts movie so interesting is that the new Micronauts movie is to be produced for Family Room Entertainment's Emmett/Furla Films by none other than the legendary Gale Anne Hurd, whose name may sound familiar to fans of epic sci-fi films: Hurd the co-writer of the Terminator series and producer of Aliens, Tremors, Alien Nation, Terminator 2, The Abyss, and The Hulk, as well as being the ex-spouse of Titanic director James Cameron.

Boosting the renewed interest are two Micronaut media events.

The first is the rave reviews Grek Pak's Robot Stories is getting, a collection of four robot-related shorts including one called "The Robot Fixer" which features pivotal big-screen exposure Micronauts (as well as the toys' Japanese counterpart and source inspiration, Takara's Microman line).

The second, and the big news, is comic book-to-DVD creators, Eagle One Media–a multi-media company who transform comic book story cycles into DVD movies complete with sound effects, narration, special effects and voice-overs–this week announced the release of comic book publisher Devil's Due's recent Micronaut story cycle as a new straight-to-DVD animated release Micronaut series

Lastly, some sort of announcement with regards to the Micronauts movie is anticipated from Family Room Entertainment within the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

22 April 2005

Rockstar! Futureshock

"I was looking for some action. It was night. Late at night."

Late-night pop-locking electropop rock video from group Futureshock.

Link (via iFilm).

21 April 2005

Rockstar! Elevator Disco

This is equal in greatness to the greatness of Stealth Disco!

People of the world, cast off your chains…and boogeee!!

Link ( via gprime.net)

Rockstar! They

Andrew Wilson, inventor of those lights that go under people's cars, and resident of Branson, MO, changed his name to They.

His legal name is They. His driver's license now reads They. People call him They.

They got it going on.

Link 1. Link 2.

Rockstar! Obviousman

Willy Miller's Non Sequitur is one of America's funniest literate on-going comic strips. (It's practically the only one, actually, and it has been so for years, clearly a labor of love.)

Now Non Sequitur has been animated. Check out the debut. It's terrific and the theme at the end is as funky as classic Was (Not Was).


20 April 2005

Rockstar! YaGoohoo!gle

It's alive! YaGoohoo!gle is a real search engine Frankenstein ("That's Franken-steen") monster.

And it's right on time. (Now if it's creator can work his magic on Macintosh and Windows.)

Complete with Firefox plug-in, and HTML to add YaGoohoo!gle to your site.

Link and Blog (via The Temple Of Psychick Blah).

Rockstar! Breakdancing Transformers

Breakdancing, electro-popping, body-rocking, built-in boomboxing Transformers, a full video.

Robots of the world: Go funk yourselfs!

Link (via We-Make-Money-Not-Art)

Rockstar! Insanely Great

This is where it all began. And it's been shown again and again, and it's worth seeing again and again.

It is one of the most historical moments in the history of what people called home computing, and it changed our world forever for the better.

It's Steve Jobs introducing the "insanely great" Macintosh.

Rockstar! Stealth Disco

The war-mongers have made their case. And now, H2RS is happy to represent the rebuttal.

Peoples of Earth, we are pleased to second the motion for the vastly significant worldwide introduction of Stealth Disco.

How To...Elect A New Pope

Funny how life imitates Futurama. "Is the Space Pope reptilian?"

Why, he certainly is!


How To...Kill Some Time

VXR Racer is a Flash-based car racing game.

Simple to use (arrow keys), healthy mindless fun.


18 April 2005

How To...Be A Danger Mouse

Before the Grey Album, DJ Danger Mouse and MC Jemini were already serving it up plenty hot. Take note, this is what great art is allllllll about

Quote: "I never thought I would ever see the day when African people would say they're republican!"

to video.
to SubmediaTV.

15 April 2005

How To...Get It All Wrong

Credit given for getting up on stage, the all important second step. But this beat-boxing harmonicist worries his audience, forgetting feeling it. Subsequently, he sweats it.

How To...Make Very Good Japanese Sci-Fu

This is a very good movie trailer for a Japanese "sci-fu" film called Casshern. Warning: It's definitely itself vs. itself. Good evil. Black white. Whatever. Something very intense is taking place along those lines. Hopefully by the end of the movie everybody learns that everything works out in the end, but I kind of doubt it. Anyhow, it looks exciting!

Rockstar! Billy Mavreas

Billy Mavreas YesBunny

Signed on is Billy Mavreas, Montreal poster-boy wünderkind and 21st century pop artist rockstar. His print work and illustrations, besides clocking in eighteen pages on Google, are happy and surreal [oxymoron?], and reminiscent of fellow rockstar Shepard Fairey (seventy-six exclusive google pages) and Seattle cartoon-art shaman Jim Woodring (eighty google pages, but some non-exclusive, "other" Jim Woodrings). His site is called yesway (which is a very cool name of which to be the owner/caregiver).

07 April 2005

How To...Rockstar!

When I realized that a lot of cool information that is important to me was slipping past boingboing, and that I couldn't do a thing about it, I sat down and thought about this, and about what I felt was happening. More importantly, I thought about what my peers and I could do about it.

What I arrived at is the content flow which makes the group's site so worthwhile to me comes from the love the boingboingers has a great love for the subject matter on which they write. And their fans and fans of that content in turn love them for it.

As soon as I realized all this, I knew what I had to do. I had to create a similar site for my own group, who also love doing what we do, about how to do what we do better. Which is rockstar. And, who are these people I call my peers? People who rockstar, of course. People like me who, here in the 21st Century, rockstar for a living.

So, here it is, rockstar.com, and all the information I my friends feel is important to get out to you peers of ours, all of us in the world who rockstar. Far be it for us (or anyone) to tell you how to be a rockstar–either you are or you aren't–but I guarantee that everyone around me can share tips on what to do and how to do it when you discover, like all of us, you are one. Without further introductions, How To Rockstar.